
Weekly Escapades Update: Volume 5

Hey there, fabulous fur-fans! It’s Moxxie, your playful and ever-curious kitty correspondent, back with another week of thrilling adventures. From enduring the loudest booms to playing in giant boxes, it's been a busy week. Let’s dive into the latest shenanigans! This week, there were the biggest scary booms I have ever heard, like, ever. Max was really upset because of all the loud noises and he barked all day and night. Mom and Dad put his jacket on and gave him medicine to help keep him calm, but they didn’t help at all! Poor Max was so distressed, and his barking was non-stop.   While Max was dealing with his fear, Millie and I found a really big box full of paper that our kitty litter came in. We had the best time playing together in the box, diving into the paper and hiding from each other. It was like our own little kitty playground. Miku tried to join in, but she plays weird. She just doesn’t understand our sophisticated kitty games!   Max, being scared, decided to take out

Weekly Escapades Update: Volume 4

Hey there, fabulous fur-fans! It’s Moxxie, your mischievous and ever-curious kitty correspondent, back with another week of thrilling adventures. From causing chaos in Dad’s office to exploring new furniture, it’s been a whirlwind of activity. Let’s dive into the latest shenanigans! This week, I really embraced my inner ball of chaos by knocking over all of Dad’s things in his office. Pictures, computer parts, and gadgets went flying as I explored every inch of his workspace. I even managed to scatter his tools all over the floor. Dad wasn’t too thrilled, but hey, a kitty’s gotta have fun! I also discovered the joys of walking all over laptops. Turns out, it’s super fun to tap on the keys and watch the screen light up. I’m basically a hacker cat now, opening random programs and typing gibberish. Who knew being a tech-savvy kitty could be so entertaining? Mom and Dad rearranged the living room, and I had to test out all the new places to lay on. There are so many new spots to choose fro

Weekly Escapades Update: Volume 3

Hey there, fabulous fur-fans! It’s Moxxie, your ever-curious and playful kitty correspondent, back with another week of meowtastic adventures. From smelly dog baths to finding the best nap spots, it's been a busy week. Let’s dive into the latest happenings! This week started off with quite the ordeal. Mom and Dad brought Miku back from the farm, and she smelled absolutely awful. Apparently, she rolled in cow poop! Yuck! She had to have a bath and was wet for the rest of the day. I kept my distance because wet dog is not my favorite scent. The kids came back from a trip with their dad, but the girl tiny human didn’t feel well. I knew she needed some extra TLC, so I made sure to give her lots of cuddles and gentle bites to help her feel better. I’m pretty sure my purr therapy worked wonders. I’ve discovered a new treasure trove of toys: the trash! Mom and Dad don’t seem too thrilled about it, but I’ve found that wrappers and cotton swabs are way more fun to bat around than the toys i

Weekly Escapades Update: Volume 2

  Hey there, fabulous fur-fans! It’s Moxxie, your adventurous and curious kitty correspondent, back with another week’s worth of exciting escapades. From climbing new heights to getting my big girl shots, it’s been a whirlwind of activity. Let’s dive into the latest adventures! I’ve discovered a new passion this week: climbing! There’s nothing quite like scaling new heights and getting a bird’s-eye view of my domain. My most impressive feat so far? Climbing up Dad’s cubicle wall all the way to the top! It was a thrilling adventure, and I felt like the queen of the world up there. Last week, I had to go to the vet for my big girl shots. The vet was super nice, but I wasn’t a big fan of the pokes. It was a bit scary, but I was brave. After the vet visit, Millie and I did some serious cuddling to recover from the ordeal. We touched paws and lay on the couch together. It was really nice to have some sisterly support after a tough day. Every night before bed, I’ve made it a tradition to do

Weekly Escapades Update: Volume 1

Hey there, fabulous fur-fans! It’s Moxxie, your playful and ever-curious kitty correspondent. I’ve got some exciting news to share about our blog! After careful consideration (and a few nap breaks), we’ve decided to switch things up a bit. From now on, I’ll be sharing a weekly summary of my escapades instead of daily updates. This way, we can deliver higher quality content and keep things fun and fresh. Plus, being a kitten and learning how to be responsible can be quite a lot for my little paws. Ready to hear about my latest adventures? Let’s dive in! I’ve been having a blast playing with my big sister, Millie. We’ve really bonded over our love of chasing and batting at each other. She’s a bit judgy sometimes, but we’re getting along purrfectly. We’ve had some epic chases around the house, and it’s so much fun to have a playmate who understands the importance of a good game of tag. Mom and Dad have the most interesting food! I love to get all up in their faces to smell and try to tast

Day Sixteen – Prime Lounging Spots and Sandwich Sniffs

It’s Moxxie, your ever-curious and comfort-seeking kitty correspondent, here with the latest from my cozy and adventurous life. Day Sixteen was all about discovering the best lounging spots, meeting new family members, and trying to sneak a taste of something delicious. Ready to hear all about it? Let’s get into it! Today, I found some really great places to lounge while Mom and Dad are working. Mom has this neat little foot stool by the window that is just my size. It’s perfect for watching people go by and birds hopping around on the roof. I spent a good part of the morning there, soaking up the sun and enjoying the view. It’s like my own personal perch! Dad’s old gaming chair is another fantastic spot. He’s broken it in nicely for me, and it’s super comfy. I curled up there while he worked, feeling like a true gaming kitty. It’s important to have good lounging options, and I think I’ve found some of the best in the house. In the afternoon, I got to meet one of my grandpawrents for t

Day Fifteen – Lemur Tails and Fancy Glass Shoes

It’s Moxxie, your mischievous and nimble kitty correspondent, here with the latest from my fun-filled life. Day Fifteen was all about new locations for my poop box, showing off my lemur tail, and discovering the joys of Mom’s fancy glass shoes. Ready to hear all about it? Let’s dive in! Today, Mom decided to move my poop box to a new location. Apparently, Max has taken a liking to my kitty crunchies and kept trying to eat them. Gross, right? So, Mom found a new spot for my litter box where Max can’t get to it. I’m all for it if it keeps him away from my business. Mom also said I have a lemur tail because it’s so long and stripey. I use it to balance and zoom around the house like a little acrobat. Whether I’m leaping from furniture to furniture or dashing down the hallway, my tail helps me stay steady and adds an extra bit of flair to my movements. I think it’s cute, and apparently, so does Mom! While exploring the house, I stumbled upon something fascinating—Mom’s fancy glass shoes. T