Day Fifteen – Lemur Tails and Fancy Glass Shoes

It’s Moxxie, your mischievous and nimble kitty correspondent, here with the latest from my fun-filled life. Day Fifteen was all about new locations for my poop box, showing off my lemur tail, and discovering the joys of Mom’s fancy glass shoes. Ready to hear all about it? Let’s dive in!

Today, Mom decided to move my poop box to a new location. Apparently, Max has taken a liking to my kitty crunchies and kept trying to eat them. Gross, right? So, Mom found a new spot for my litter box where Max can’t get to it. I’m all for it if it keeps him away from my business.

Mom also said I have a lemur tail because it’s so long and stripey. I use it to balance and zoom around the house like a little acrobat. Whether I’m leaping from furniture to furniture or dashing down the hallway, my tail helps me stay steady and adds an extra bit of flair to my movements. I think it’s cute, and apparently, so does Mom!

While exploring the house, I stumbled upon something fascinating—Mom’s fancy glass shoes. They’re shiny and delicate, and I immediately knew they’d be fun to play with. I’ve made it my mission to push them closer to the edge of the window sill. Every time I do, Mom comes running to stop me, looking all flustered and silly. It’s become a delightful game! The way she rushes over, you’d think the world was ending. It’s hilarious!

Between zooming around with my lemur tail and playing with the glass shoes, I made sure to take some breaks to cuddle and nap. Mom says I’m a handful, but I know she secretly loves my playful antics. Millie and I even had a brief moment of touching noses before she gave me her usual judgy look and walked away. We’re getting there!

So, that’s the scoop on Day Fifteen. From navigating new poop box locations and showing off my balancing skills to teasing Mom with her fancy glass shoes, it was another purrfectly playful day in the life of Moxxie. Stay tuned for more of my meowtastic misadventures—who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Paws and whiskers,
Moxxie 🐾

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