Day Four – Noo-Noo the Vacuum Monster and New Kitty Box House

It’s your favorite whirlwind of fur, Moxxie, here to spill the beans on the latest in my action-packed kitty life. Buckle up, because Day Four was a rollercoaster of feline excitement, from battling vacuum monsters to playing with my tiny humans. Let’s dive in!

The day started off with a bit of confusion and abandonment. Mom and Dad left for what felt like forever hours to go see some Shiba Inus (as if the two we have at home aren’t enough!). While they were out having fun without me, I was left to my own devices. Cue the chaos!

Enter Noo-Noo the Vacuum Monster. This terrifying beast roams the house, growling and snarling, sucking up everything in its path. Today, I decided enough was enough. With my tail fully bushy and my bravery at its peak, I faced off with Noo-Noo. I chased it around the house, pouncing and swatting, my heart racing with every move. The humans might think it’s just a cleaning device, but I know better. It’s a monster, and I am its fearless hunter. By the end of our showdown, I was exhausted but victorious. Noo-Noo had retreated to its lair, and the house was safe once more.

After my epic battle, my tiny humans came to play. These mini-giants have more energy than a room full of kittens on catnip! They ran, jumped, and played with me for hours, tossing toys and creating makeshift obstacle courses. We had a blast, and I matched their energy paw for paw. It’s great to have such energetic playmates, even if they can be a bit overwhelming at times.

When Mom and Dad finally returned, they brought a surprise: a new house for my cat box. Mom says I’m messy and that this will keep my “kitty crunchies” from the dogs. Now, let’s talk about that for a second. Why on earth do Miku and Max love eating my poo? It’s the strangest, grossest habit. I mean, don’t they have their own food? But, I digress.

The new cat box house is actually kind of cool. It’s like a private little fort where I can do my business in peace, away from the prying noses of my canine siblings. I gave it a thorough inspection, pawing at the corners and sniffing every inch. It seems Mom knows what she’s doing – it’s comfy, cozy, and keeps my litter mess contained.

So, that’s the scoop on Day Four in the life of Moxxie. From vacuum monster battles to new cat box forts, it’s never a dull moment around here. Stay tuned for more misadventures – who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Paws and whiskers,
Moxxie 🐾


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