Day Sixteen – Prime Lounging Spots and Sandwich Sniffs

It’s Moxxie, your ever-curious and comfort-seeking kitty correspondent, here with the latest from my cozy and adventurous life. Day Sixteen was all about discovering the best lounging spots, meeting new family members, and trying to sneak a taste of something delicious. Ready to hear all about it? Let’s get into it!

Today, I found some really great places to lounge while Mom and Dad are working. Mom has this neat little foot stool by the window that is just my size. It’s perfect for watching people go by and birds hopping around on the roof. I spent a good part of the morning there, soaking up the sun and enjoying the view. It’s like my own personal perch!

Dad’s old gaming chair is another fantastic spot. He’s broken it in nicely for me, and it’s super comfy. I curled up there while he worked, feeling like a true gaming kitty. It’s important to have good lounging options, and I think I’ve found some of the best in the house.

In the afternoon, I got to meet one of my grandpawrents for the first time. She seemed pretty okay, and I think she liked me too. I gave her my best purrs to make a good impression. It’s always fun to meet new people, especially when they seem to appreciate a kitty like me.

The highlight of the day, though, was discovering Jimmy John's sandwiches. Dad and Mom were having dinner, and the smell of those sandwiches was irresistible. No matter how many times I jumped up to get a sniff, Dad kept putting me back down on the floor. Rude, right? I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Maybe one day they’ll let me have a taste, but for now, I guess I’ll have to stick to my kitty food.

So, that’s the scoop on Day Sixteen. From finding prime lounging spots and meeting family to trying (and failing) to snag a sandwich sniff, it was another purrfectly eventful day in the life of me, Moxxie! Stay tuned for more of my meowtastic misadventures—who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Paws and whiskers,
Moxxie 🐾



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