Day Ten - Midnight Booms and Bath Time Blues

It’s Moxxie, your adventurous and occasionally spooked feline friend, here to share the latest from my whirlwind life. Day Ten was filled with unexpected noises, a surprise bath, and some sisterly bonding. Ready to hear all about it? Let’s dive in!
The day began with a fright in the middle of the night. Those big, scary boom sounds returned, waking us all up. I was so scared that I decided the safest place to be was right on top of Mom and Dad’s headboard. From there, I could keep an eye on everything and feel protected by my humans. It was a bit cramped, but I managed to snuggle in and catch some sleep while the booms eventually faded away.

Morning came, and with it, another adventure: bath time. This wasn’t just me splashing my paws in the water like before. No, this time, Mom put all of my paws in the bathtub while it was full. To my surprise, I didn’t really mind the water itself, but I absolutely hate being held. Mom quickly realized this and put me back on the bath mat, where I immediately started giving myself a thorough tongue bath to get every last drop of water off my fur. 

Feeling somewhat drier and a bit miffed, I wandered over to Mom’s desk. There, I noticed a couple of interesting objects: her mouse and wrist rest. Clearly, they were just begging to be knocked over, and who am I to deny them that joy? With a swift paw swipe, both went tumbling to the floor. Mom didn’t seem too upset—she wasn’t using them anyway!

Later in the day, I had a moment with Millie. We touched paws for just a little bit, a tentative gesture of feline friendship. We both wanted to play, but we’re still getting used to each other. It was a small but meaningful step in our budding relationship. I’m sure it won’t be long before we’re chasing each other around the house and sharing all our toys.

So, that’s the scoop on Day Ten. From midnight booms and surprise baths to desk mischief and sisterly bonding, it was another eventful day in the life of Moxxie. Stay tuned for more of my meowtastic misadventures – who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Paws and whiskers,
Moxxie 🐾

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