Day Thirteen – Diamond Painting and New Friendships

It’s Moxxie, your ever-curious and playful kitty correspondent, here to share the latest from my adventurous life. Day Thirteen was full of new experiences, crafty fun, and some delightful bonding with Millie. Ready to hear all about it? Let’s get into it!

Today, Dad had to work, but that didn’t stop Mom and me from having a blast. Mom introduced me to this thing called a "diamond painting." Now, I don’t know much about painting, but this involved tons of tiny plastic pieces scattered all over the table. Naturally, I had to bat them around—there were just so many, and they were so much fun! Mom kept picking them up and placing them on this sticky paper, which I was dying to stand on. I tried a few times, but Mom gently moved me aside. I guess sticky paper isn’t as fun when you’re not allowed to stick to it!

In the middle of our crafting session, my old nemesis-turned-new-friend, Noo-Noo the demon vacuum, made an appearance. I’ve really taken a liking to this funny robot. My favorite new game is to stand in front of Noo-Noo when he gets into a corner. He gets all confused and stuck, and then Mom has to come to rescue him. It’s hilarious! I think Noo-Noo and I have a unique relationship—I confuse him, and he entertains me. Win-win!

The highlight of my day, though, was finally getting to play with Millie. I’ve decided she’s pretty awesome. We had some fun chases around the house, with me leading the way and Millie hot on my tail. I even let out a few chirps of excitement. Millie, being the dignified cat she is, played along but made sure to judge my antics with her signature look of feline superiority. It was all in good fun, though, and I think we’re starting to form a real bond.

So, that’s the scoop on Day Thirteen. From batting around diamond painting pieces and messing with Noo-Noo to discovering the joys of playing with Millie, it was another pawsome day in the life of Moxxie. Stay tuned for more of my meowtastic misadventures – who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Paws and whiskers,
Moxxie 🐾


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