Day Twelve – Rainy Day Cuddles and Porch Visitors

It’s Moxxie, your snuggly and spirited kitty correspondent, here with the latest from my fun-filled life. Day Twelve was a bit different because Mom and Dad were under the weather, but that didn’t stop me from having some adventures. Ready to hear all about it? Let’s dive in!

Today was a rainy, gloomy day, and it seemed like the weather decided to make Mom and Dad feel a bit under the weather too. They both stayed home, looking a little less lively than usual. Of course, that meant it was my job to provide extra cuddles. I snuggled up with them as much as possible, purring away to help them feel better. Nothing beats the healing power of kitty cuddles, right?

This morning, something interesting happened on the porch. Mom saw another cat hanging around outside. Naturally, she couldn’t just leave him out there in the rain, so she got him into the jail box—the same one Millie and I go to the vet in. It’s never fun being in the jail box, but this kitty seemed pretty calm about it. Mom managed to get ahold of his owner, and they told her he’s an outdoor kitty and to let him back outside. He decided to hang out on the porch while it rained, which drove Max absolutely bonkers. He barked all morning, trying to tell that cat who’s boss. Honestly, it was pretty amusing.

After all the excitement, I decided a nice nap was in order. I curled up with Mom in the afternoon, providing some much-needed warmth and comfort. We snoozed together, and I could tell it made her feel a bit better. There’s nothing like a cozy cat nap to lift your spirits on a rainy day.

But the day wasn’t all rest and relaxation. I discovered a new way to have fun: using the bed frame for zoomies! I’ve learned that if I use my claws, I can get really good traction and slide around upside down on my back. It’s the best! I zoomed around the bed frame, making the most of my newfound speed and agility. Who knew the bedroom could be such an exciting playground?

So, that’s the scoop on Day Twelve. From providing extra cuddles for my under-the-weather humans to welcoming a porch visitor and discovering new zoomie techniques, it was another interesting day in the life of Moxxie. Stay tuned for more of my meowtastic misadventures – who knows what tomorrow will bring?

Paws and whiskers,
Moxxie 🐾

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