Weekly Escapades Update: Volume 2

 Hey there, fabulous fur-fans! It’s Moxxie, your adventurous and curious kitty correspondent, back with another week’s worth of exciting escapades. From climbing new heights to getting my big girl shots, it’s been a whirlwind of activity. Let’s dive into the latest adventures!

I’ve discovered a new passion this week: climbing! There’s nothing quite like scaling new heights and getting a bird’s-eye view of my domain. My most impressive feat so far? Climbing up Dad’s cubicle wall all the way to the top! It was a thrilling adventure, and I felt like the queen of the world up there.

Last week, I had to go to the vet for my big girl shots. The vet was super nice, but I wasn’t a big fan of the pokes. It was a bit scary, but I was brave. After the vet visit, Millie and I did some serious cuddling to recover from the ordeal. We touched paws and lay on the couch together. It was really nice to have some sisterly support after a tough day.

Every night before bed, I’ve made it a tradition to do my zoomies under the bed. It’s the best way to burn off any remaining energy before sleep. Once I’m tired out, I curl up between Mom and Dad in bed. I like to lay closer to Mom because she won’t squish me. It’s the coziest spot in the house, and I love feeling safe and warm with my humans.

When the sun comes up, I’m ready to start my day with a burst of energy. My favorite morning routine involves playing vigorously with my noisy toys, like my crinkle tunnel and bell toys. The sound of crinkling and jingling is music to my ears and the perfect way to kick off the day. Mom and Dad might not be as enthusiastic about my early morning play sessions, but they love me anyway.

That’s the scoop on my latest adventures. From climbing and cuddling to zooming and playing, it’s been another pawsome week in the life of Moxxie. Stay tuned for more of my meowtastic misadventures—who knows what next week will bring?

Paws and whiskers,
Moxxie 🐾


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